Thursday, April 23, 2009

Little Movements

So, I know I haven't posted to this blog in such a long time. haha! But I am posting three times in one day to try and catch up! haha! I have more pictures on my facebook page if any of you are on facebook and want to see more pictures from South Carolina or more preggy pictures. Anyway, I did want to write a quick note about the little movements that I have been feeling for almost two weeks now. It is so sweet that I have already started to feel baby M move around in there. Although, like I said, from seeing our ultrasound I knew that baby M was very active. When I was home in South Carolina, my cousin told me that I needed to be very in tune with my body and that I would start feeling little flutters. So I listened to her, and well, it feels more like bubbles and gas to me. haha! But I know that it is the baby moving. I started feeling it in the middle of my 16th week. I am actually very in tune with my body, so that is good because I can distinguish between baby movements and gas, which most first time moms have a hard time distinguishing between the two. It has been really sweet. I have also started having a cup of coffee a day and I am sure this just makes baby M even more energetic in there. haha! I forgot to mention that my parents gave me some money to go on a shopping extravaganza while I was at home. I got lots of fun and pretty maternity clothes while in Myrtle Beach. Most of them, well most of the shirts still swallow me whole, but they give me losts of growing room. I pull most of the shirts down as far as they go and if they tie, then I tie them as tight as I can! haha! I will fill them out soon, I know!

This picture is me at 18 weeks, wearing one of my favorite new outfits. This is one of the shirts that swallow me right now and I pull it all the way down so that it doesn't look so big and blousy. :-)

South Carolina Trip

So during our last appointment, we recorded the heartbeat for my Mom and Dad to hear since they live so far away from us. We also had ultrasound pictures from our peek. It takes us 10 hours to get to my parents house from Louisville. We decided to go to South Carolina for 10 days and over Easter. It was a great trip, very fun and so good to see my family. I haven't been home since last Thanksgiving. I definitely wanted my family to see my belly before I went into labor. They couldn't miss seeing me during my whole pregnancy. My Mom is definitely coming to stay with us for a week when the baby is born. She is going to buy a plane ticket to get here. It will be her first time to ever fly. Hopefully, the rest of my family will drive up over a long weekend and visit and then my Mom and ride back to SC with them. We watched a lot of movies with my family, played Family Feud on DVD, grilled out a lot, and ate at some fun places in Loris, North Myrtle Beach, and Conway. Matt and I were able to have a special time for just the two of us while we were in SC. We were able to spend a long weekend in Charleston, SC. I absolutely love Charleston. It is so beautiful. The city has so much history and charm. We walked around a lot and ate a lot. We are praying about moving to South Carolina for a year before we move overseas, when Matt finishes seminary and maybe even Charleston. Matt only has 30 hours left, so we think we will be in Louisvlle for about another year and a half. He has already registered for classes this semester. This makes me a little nervous. There are going to be a lot changes going on all at once for us. Matt will be working full-time, taking 9 hours at the seminary and we will have our baby. WOW!!! We are definitely in for a surprise! haha! We couldn't be happier though. We are finding out what we are having in two weeks. I will keep you all updated!!! :-) Everything still feels so surreal, even though I have heard the heartbeat, seen a peek, and even felt movements. Pray that God would prepare us to be godly parents. Relying on Him daily- Ashley for the Fam
(Matt in the above picture is at the Waterfront Park in Charleston, SC. I am in the blue shirt in Myrtle Beach-16 weeks, purple shirt and gray dress-18 weeks)

Baby M

I had my second midwife appointment on April 1st and we heard the heartbeat again! It was such a joy. We also got to see a peek at our little one. We had an ultrasound for free last time. That was so exciting. Our little one is definitely active in there, doing all sorts of turns and flips. We had pictures of the ultrasound, but I think I left them in South Carolina or lost them on our trip somewhere. I am feeling pretty great these days. I have lots of energy and some new maternity clothes that fit well. I am able to stay up pretty late and hang out with Matt. Please continue to pray for the job hunt. He is still searching hard for a full-time job to support our family! Our next midwife appointment is in two weeks where we will find out what we are having! So exciting! I am 13 weeks in this picture!